Friday, May 30, 2008

Core Tip No. 1

Tip No. 1 - Prepare your abdominal muscles

it is the first thing you should with all and every move that you never complete. Abdominal tonic consists of three parts. First, pull your belly button as if you were too close to a pair of trousers. This is your cross fall abdominals, the muscular body belt. Secondly, you increase your pond and achieved a keel (contract the pool, as if in a full bladder). This contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal, which help to stabilize the spine. Third, create a slight tension in your stomach muscles as if you are on the point, a fist blow in the stomach. This option enables the internal and external forward the muscles. Through all three of these measures to ensure that your spine is well protected from all movements. Abdominal spot will be companies and maintained by each exercise. With the repetition, the muscles will remember their tasks and the tendency to keep a closer restricted abdominal extent, without you in the loop.

Exercise: Belly tucks

Lie with the printed side down on the ground with his forehead was based on the back of your hand. Breathe; push your belly button in the floor (“boost" the abdominal area). Hold this position for 3 seconds. Breathing, call your navel to the ceiling (as if from a string), increase the muscles of the pelvic floor and the strengthening of the abdominal muscles. Hold this position for 3 seconds. Repeat 10 times.


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