Thursday, May 29, 2008

Appendicitis II

Appendicitis is poisoning by the intestine. It focuses on blocking inside the residence, known as Lumen. If excessive amounts of toxic waste in the cecum (a bag with the large intestine), blocking leads to increased pressure, blood flow and affects inflammation. If the blocked area is not treated, the Wundbrand breaks.

The symptoms of appendicitis

the pain may begin in the lower right abdomen, but it can also be used as a vague unease in the middle of the belly, then on the bottom right. Although not everyone has pain in the abdomen shows an appendicitis, a person reported that the pain and is accompanied by a loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and fever of a doctor. Meanwhile, a doctor finds what went wrong and what should be done, it should not take a person or Einläufe laxatives.

If the diagnosis of appendicitis, it is not clear, people showing symptoms of appendicitis can be observed ambiguous and sometimes treated with antibiotics. Appendicitis with human beings has surgery on the Elimination of residence, i.e. an appendicitis operation. Physicians can laparoscopic surgery for appendicitis operation. This technique involves the creation of several small incisions in the abdomen and inserting a miniature camera and surgical instruments.


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