Tip No. 5 - Insert multi-planar movements
our body works only rarely in the same level (i.e. front to back, on the other side). Often, our movements are forcing us to keep you in several different plans, such as when walking to the back and look over their shoulders. It is important to remember that all movements from the base, particularly in relation to rotation movements. As such, it is important that the muscles in sequence as the basis for the efficiency and the dissemination of prevention of injuries. Did you know that 80% of our muscles bet on a diagonal? This means that our bodies are anatomically built in these multi-planar movements in the diagonal and rotational movements. The examples are to throw, type kicks, swing and a tennis racket or golf club. I have clients in improving their golf car 30 meters by the simple integration of multi-planar movements in their programs.
Exercise: Cable chop (knee)
Set in the middle of the machine connecting cable. Given your body a right angle with the cables. From the lap, and keep your body in the upright position and strong reach in and through your body-point deal (with both hands) the highest. Hold the two branches rights "cut" by the cable, your body starting point on your shoulder against the hip. Return slowly and repeat 8 times on each side. Make your lead the movement forward and not the arms.
By integrating these 5 essential elements, you can expect firmer, stronger and more efficient as a basis for the muscles. Not only that, but you're also more efficient and stable in your travels. And, if you have the regular sports activities, you have an advantage on your colleagues have not.
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