In the world of Western medicine, we lost contact with the basis of the concept of real healing. We will replace a band-aid for a cure to find and wonder why we do not believe better. The bad people are many reasons. Everyone says that we are sick we clueless part itself, and the change is necessary. Although many factors contribute to the healing, and it happens on several levels, all have the attention of all in practice on healing. Ignore the body-mind (feelings and thoughts) would not be appropriate and long-term health.
Physical symptoms such as headache increase the volume of lymph nodes, sneezing and sniffing, even the most serious diseases like cancer, to communicate that there is a disturbance in the fabric of our emotional. Negative feelings such as fear, doubt and anxiety stop the normal for energy. These feelings to harm us, and in the course of our lives unknown diseases, cause, and disabilities that start.
The body falls apart, because we emotionally threatened. Recent scientific studies have shown that the emotions-all simple sabotage the success of kidney failure. If we do not, the "himself," the physical body simply reflects the impact. Over time, feelings such as fear, anger and confusion take their victims. Repression of anger and the functions of the liver. The hopelessness and despair of devastating play with the gall bladder. The fear is chaos with the kidneys, the relationship and success. The confusion on the other side is spinning thoughts swirl, creating a cloud of chaos around us and we will be unbalanced and unsubstantiated. Head colds, for example, are a direct result of emotional confusion. Long-standing negative emotional faith attack whole body. A chain constantly repeating the words negative gases actually weakened and the physical body.
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