Sunday, June 15, 2008

Safe weight loss recommendations

If people, weight reduction, they are usually very impatient and want to see immediate results. For this reason, there are hundreds of food mode, gimmicky programs for weight reduction, and the magic of pills on the market today, provide fast results. Through the trial, that these "solutions" seem to May, they should be avoided.

Safe weight loss happens slowly and naturally by the processing of their way of life. A healthy diet and regular exercise are the means healthy to lose weight and keep the.

So, where should I start?

First stage of the page is an integral plan for nutrition. A good diet contains the recommended power, vitamins, minerals and protein, while reducing the amount of calories. Women should aim at 1000-1200 calories per day, and the men should be 1200 to 1600 calories.

The second stage of security weight-loss program is a regular exercise routine. The exercise is the only safe way to stimulate metabolism, and in this case will help your body to burn more calories effectively. Once accustomed to jogging, note also an increase in energy and less feelings of depression.


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