Friday, June 20, 2008

Understanding Alcohol Abuse And How To Recognise It

The consumption of alcoholic beverages dates from the beginning of time. Unfortunately, some of us are affected by the excessive consumption of alcohol in a very negative. Where the problem of alcohol abuse affects the lives, societies and cultures over the generations ..
In today's society, which consume alcohol is the norm, and when they are consumed in moderation can be a tonic relaxation. Many people come home from a hard day's work and relax with a drink. As you know, however, that Glass has on your life? How do you know when you are dependent on him? The abuse of alcohol in today's society is becoming a serious problem. In the past

the people believe that the abuse of alcohol is a characteristic of a person low, but we know now that it is really a serious disease that has a chance to us all.
Statistics on the abuse of alcohol
A surprising statistic is that in 13 adults 1 is due to the abuse of alcohol. The guide for the online health care, Web MD has pointed out that in the United States, 12 to 14 million adults suffer from alcohol-and each year around 100000 adults die of alcohol abuse. It was also revealed that the abuse of alcohol is a major factor in the country, traffic accidents, suicide and murder. The alcohol also affects many other things in life, particularly through increased absenteeism employment and the increase of violence in the family and mistreatment of children.
What are the signs of the abuse of alcohol?
Exclusive series beverages at home or with friends, does not mean that you have a problem with alcohol. As a clue:
-- Women, one of the most important evidence that a degree of alcohol abuse, if you have more than seven drinks per week and more than three months in a social meeting.

-- For men, the proportion of consumption should also be more than 14 glasses per week or four an excess, while drinks with friends.
Other characters include:
-- The desire to smoke, alcohol,
-- A loss of control of alcohol, leading to the person not stop drinking.

-- Tolerance, in alcohol, a further sign of the abuse of alcohol,
-- The physical dependence on alcohol, such as nausea, sweating and headaches, if no alcohol consumed.
The scientists are about to find out how many other factors associated with alcohol, such as family history of the consumption of alcohol, the family in the genetic drinking water, the degree of burden and the social and environmental factors.
The abuse of alcohol is a very serious illness, which is everywhere in the western world. It is a curable disease, but it is difficult to cure, and it is everyone. Many factors make people more closely to what others. While many people drink and fun with moderation, it is important that we all hear the message and keep our consumption behavior of the tolerable level of recognition.
Unfortunately, the modern society has the range of consumption of alcohol in the level of absurdity that the type of beuveries has become the standard among other young people. This bad influence can only lead to more and more of us suffer from alcohol abuse.

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